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How human error can spread covid-19 when cleaning

Throughout the roadmap to normality and beyond the lockdown, cleaning is going to vital to maintaining strength over the COVID-19 pandemic. While social distancing, masks and wider travel bans eventually lifting – the limit of spread will eventually lie at the hands of keeping up high standards of cleanliness across the board. The issues come when human error
occurs in cleaning, as the COVID virus is spread rather than killed or removed.

Here, EDG Group discusses how human error can spread COVID-19 when cleaning:

The new normal – The processes that cleaning companies and individuals adhere to is the new level of compliance and training that won’t be left behind at any point in the near future – it’s here to stay. To return to normal cleaning activities and staff culture is not acceptable, and any level of unprofessionalism when it comes to cleaning businesses that operate in the new norm.

Reliance on technology – As the Government has said, to beat Coronavirus is not realistic, so the options are improved awareness and using innovative technology to reduce transmission in all areas of society combined with continued future vaccinations, against new variants. Technology that not only gets rid of bacteria but also prevents surfaces from harbouring it again is key – which is why EDG Group’s Nano Glass coating offers a long-term solution.

Peer review – It’s likely that many organisations and buildings will have their cleaning schedule double-checked by multiple individuals to ensure that cleanliness is kept to a high standard and no corners are cut. This will echo across any cleaning businesses themselves – who will no doubt adapt their operations and processes to feature second opinions and reviews to ensure this.

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